Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm a lover, not a writer.

This whole blogging thing is a little baffling to me. Why would anyone (besides myself) care to read what is going on in my life, or, worse yet, what is going on in my head. Is this simply a vehicle (no pun intended) to complain about stupid drivers (look for a daily post on this topic)? Or a place to vent my frustration with the snow that is covering the golf courses? I will try to occasionally write something here that may be for the benefit of mankind. In the meantime, maybe it will help me improve my writing skill (notice I didn't write "skills", because I have, at the most, only one).


Whitney said...

I am so happy you have a blog now! I will look forward to reading about it. I complain a lot about the snow. I have a letter to snow, in fact, letting it know how much I loathe it. But, it's making it so you can't golf, and I can see how that would make you angry :).

Whitney said...

I misses your blogging :( Did you know Emily and Beau have one too?! Yeah, their link is on my page, it's exciting!